The election is over and now we can return to normal life. Three personal finance blog carnivals have already done just that. Here are my top picks from this week’s carnivals.
The Festival of Frugality #150 was hosted by Bargain Briana. In addition to my post regaling you with ten financial frights, I recommend Credit Withdrawal’s post about the day he had to explain the difference between being poor and reducing spending.
The Carnival of Personal Finance #177 was hosted by The Sun’s Financial Diary. In addition to my post about the ghosts of financial decisions past, I also recommend The Financial Blogger’s theory that education is at the root of our financial crisis. You have to learn to make good finanical decisions somewhere!
The Money Hacks Carnival #37 was hosted by Living Almost Large. In addition to my post about real estate websites, I also recommendWhere Are You Now’s review of the new online money management tool Rudder.