We’ve got baseball, basketball, and hockey all happening at the same time, which is a good diversion from personal finance worries if you like sports. If you’re like me, then, um have a lobster roll instead.
If you want to worry about personal finance, we’ve got the personal finance blog carnival round-up. Yay!
First up, the Carnival of Personal Finance #208 hosted by Money Under 30. Despite being over 30, I got an editor’s pick with my post about how the GM bankruptcy affects you. I also recommend Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck’s advice about when to repair a car and when to buy a new one.
Next up, the Festival of Frugality hosted by Personal Finance Analyst. I earned something called a groundball with my post about reducing your property tax. I also recommend Practicing Thrifts tips for frugal home decor. Use some of that property tax savings to spruce up your home with flea market finds.
Finally, the Money Hacks Carnival #68 hosted by Financial Highway. In addition to my post on cheap hobbies, I also recommend Love Hacks’ ideas for cheap dates – in case you get bored with your hobbies.