Frugal Bargains for Earth Day – at the Carnivals

Aren’t frugal bargains the best kind? And no, not all bargains are frugal. If you don’t need the item, then the bargain is a waste of money. For this and other lessons, please turn to this week’s blog carnival roundup.

First, the Carnival of Personal Finance #201 hosted by Mighty Bargain Hunter. In addition to my post about combining finances after a wedding, I also recommend Free From Broke’s post about money conversations you should have before you get married.

Second, the Festival of Frugality hosted by My Life ROI. In addition to my post on the 10-10-10 rule for spending, I also recommend The Paycheck Chronicles’ advice about periodic No Spend Days.

Finally, the Money Hacks Carnival hosted by Personal Finance Playbook. In addition to my post about  the 10-day rule for impulse spending, I also recommend Automatic Finance’s advice on planning your spending in advance.

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