Ah, a vacation sounds lovely right now. Instead I’m at home working and trying to get all my mortgage papers in order. Sigh.
Instead, we’ll dream about the Carnival of Personal Finance #213 hosted by Man vs. Debt from New Zealand! He included my post about paying more than a home’s appraised value. I also recommed M is for Money’s tips about the home inspection.
M is Money also hosted the Festival of Frugality #186. In addition to my post about the new home appraisal process, I also recommend Bargaineering’s tip about square foot gardening. I have a big space for my new garden, but I may borrow some of the tips in the comments to make it more effective.
Money Beagle hosts Money Hacks Carnival #73. In addition to my post about being productive while working from home, I also recommend this list of Twitter job feeds, to make your search for a job more productive.