In honor of Independence Day in the United States, this week’s Money Hacks Carnival focuses on declaring financial independence (or at least on letting your money work for you rather than you working for it.) Here are financial tidbits from our founding fathers, who knew a thing or two about managing money, and modern bloggers who are well on their way to independence. Knowing you want it is the first step.
Editor’s Picks:
All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation. – John Adams
In the Limelight paid off $15,000 in debt in six months. Way to go!
Bargaineering explains how to buy gas at Costco even if you’re not a member.
Ask Mr. Credit Card discusses smart financial moves that will hurt your credit score. Which is the best choice in that situation?
Cash Money Life shares how to take advantage of the Netflix free trial.
Our Four Pence Worth uses additions to his family’s Monopoly game to teach his kids about money.
I’d rather go to bed without supper than rise in debt. – Ben Franklin
Until Debt Do Us Part offers helpful advice for overcoming your debt problem with small steps.
Budgets Are Sexy brags about how awesome it feels to be free from credit card debt and gives tips for accomplishing that feat.
My Dollar Plan shares the perfect 10-year mortgage.
Money Sense tells how you to avoid loan scams.
The use of money is all the advantage there is in having it. – Ben Franklin
Passive Family Income recommends buying GE stock to create new income stream.
Dividend Growth Investor explores investing in Canadian royalty trusts.
Money Under 30 shares four lessons he learned while working at Starbucks, all of which can help you get ahead in your job.
Money Blue Book explains how to milk Countrywide’s 2% cash back rewards program.
The Digerati Life reveals 5 ways entrepreneurs can help your business.
Harvesting Dollars wonders if an MBA is really worth it.
The Shark Investor reveals how DIY projects can be an alternative source of income.
Terry Dean tells you how to avoid internet money-making scams.
Never spend your money before you have earned it. Thomas Jefferson
Free Money Finance offers financial advice to his younger self.
Blue Jeans Millionaire has these tips for the true credit card addict.
Daily Money Hack suggests buying a small wedding cake to reduce your wedding costs.
SarahSpy reveals her methods for eating really well on the cheap.
Chief Family Officer suggests you start your holiday shopping now if you want to save money.
Save and Conquer hates rebates, but realizes that sometimes they’re worth it.
Penny Jobs explains how she used her stimulus check to earn an extra $180.
Free From Broke shares money saving tips from his family’s Disney World vacation.
Be This Way explains how she’s saving money this summer.
Funny About Money analyzes the costs and benefits of making your own dog food.
Greener Pastures offers a humorous look at the difficulties of frugality.
The Q Family Adventure explores various methods for saving money on organic products.
Increased Revenue demonstrates how much money you can save by carpooling.
Art of the Coupon explains how to make your own cheap cleaning products.
Financial Independence
The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy. – James Madison
Living Off Dividends explains how to save a fortune by buying electronics batteries online.
$aving to Invest discusses the 10.1 million millionaires now occupying the planet.
Becoming and Staying Debt Free wonders what financial independence really means.
Effortless Abundance offers four rules for effortless investing.
The Writer’s Coin debates dollar cost averaging in your Roth IRA contributions.
Financial Planning
All that seems indispensible in stating the account between the dead and the living, is to see that the debts against the latter do not exceed the advances made by the former. – James Madison
K.C. Lau’s Money Tips explains how to create a personal assets inventory, including a will.
Living Almost Large analyzes the broad suggestion that most people need $1 million to retire.
My Retirement Blog explains how to restart the social security clock.
Dreaming of Ferraris shares her method for remaining focused on her current financial goal: turning her convertible into a coupe.
Personal Finance Basics details how to get started with investing.
Can I Get Rich on a Salary tells you how to teach yourself the art of investing.
Currency Trading explores 8 ways the Bush administration caused high gas prices.
Personal Finance Analyst writes an open letter to Exxon about the recent Exxon Valdez decision.
The Personal Financier offers 5 things to do with yesterday’s business paper.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s carnival. Be sure to submit your posts for next week’s carnival, hosted by David Makes Cents.<–><–>