This week we have another three personal finance carnivals in the round-up. We also have some interesting financial news: Americans have stopped shopping. Wow. Is this the start of a brave new world? While you ponder that, here are my picks from this week’s round-up, complete with two editor’s picks for yours truly!
First, the Carnival of Personal Finance #178 hosted by the Digerati Life. SVB made my post about credit card debt forgiveness and editor’s pick. Thanks SVB! I also recommend Stumble Forward’s analysis of spreading the wealth around. My post was a little controversial, and so is this one.
Next, Money Hacks Carnival #38 hosted by Taking Charge. My post about how to car buying websites was an editor’s pick! I also recommend Money to Spare’s analysis of current gas prices and where they’re headed.
Finally, the Festival of Frugality hosted by On a Quest to Be Debt Free. In addition to my car buying tips, I recommend Main Street Meltdown’s post about how much the dollar store really saves you.